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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. MY GOD! Who here knew that the "ti" post fix on Nvidia cards is pronounced "Tie" and not "Tee-Eye"?! Not me! But after listening to this Nvidia rep say it again and again, I googled and learned it is indeed "Tie". My life is a lie...
  2. Also: Overclocking HotHardware also asked Peterson about overclocking performance, to which he said, “it’s really good!” Nvidia built the power and cooling solutions of the Founder’s Edition cards specifically for overlocking, and Petersen said he'd seen 2.1Ghz on multiple cards, which suggests that at least the FE cards would be strong overclockers. Petersen also mentioned Nvidia Scanner and GPU Boost 4.0, of which we know nothing about yet.
  3. On NVLink Nvidia Turing is the first GPU architecture to embrace the company’s NVLink bridge technology, which offers higher bandwidth data transfer than the traditional SLI bridge. At Siggraph, where Nvidia launched Turing and the Quadro RTX lineup, the company revealed that NVLink enables frame buffer scaling. In traditional SLI, each card needs the same data in its memory pool. With Quadro RTX cards, NVLink combines the memory of each card to create a single, larger memory pool. Petersen explained that this would not be the case for GeForce RTX cards. The NVLink interface would allow such a use case, but developers would need to build their software around that function. “While it's true this is a memory to memory link; I don't think of it as magically doubling the frame buffer. It's more nuanced than that today,” said Petersen. “It's going to take time for people to understand how people think of mGPU setup and maybe they will look at new techniques. NVLink is laying a foundation for future mGPU setup.” NVLink’s current implementation offers higher bandwidth, which should improve performance, but it’s not a fix-all solution. Anyone who’s used an SLI setup would be familiar with the dreaded micro-stutter. Unfortunately, it appears the new bridge doesn’t completely solve that problem. Not yet, at least. Petersen said that the stuttering issue has more to do with alternate frame rendering (AFR), which is the current rendering technique for SLI. Nvidia is working on new mGPU technologies that would improve scaling in the future, but the company isn’t at liberty to discuss those yet. https://www.tomshardware.com/news/nvidia-tom-petersen-geforce-rtx,37727.html
  4. New comments from Nvidia spokesperson: https://wccftech.com/nvidia-rtx-2080-ti-2080-2070-are-40-faster-vs-pascal-in-gaming/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter Gist is this: 35%-45% efficiency improvement from Pascal to Turing. Good performance boost, bad pricing. Nvidia banking on the new tech, gamers not so sure they want it at that price.
  5. I truly did try to find an appropriate "impatiently waiting" animated gif but instead found this. Still I thought it was good and that you should see it all the same...
  6. Exactly so! I was heartened to hear Dice's early thoughts on what can be changed in their current habits of world building to reduce the RTX load and still achieve the same results. IT seems a combination of smart design, driver optimizations, and a little OC'ing might just put me where I want to be this generation! Hype considering an increase!
  7. https://wccftech.com/ray-traced-battlefield-v-runs-sub-30-4k/ Seems Ray Tracing in 1440P is a go! With the right optimization, we might even get some 4K RT this gen! I'm excited!
  8. Yeah, it would make sense to: 1.) Offer what is needed to sell Forsaken to new, curious players and... 2.) Toss players who have there from the beginning some cookies so they don't feel cheated!
  9. Yup! Don't be sad though, in addition to Ray tracing, these cards also perform real time "Tear Tracing" and "Wallet Tracing" functions!
  10. IF true, we are looking at, with proper driver optimization, a potential 40%-50% improvement. Which is typical of a reduction in the die size, in this case from 14nm to 12nm. Everything else is either tech that is too early in its life to be of true benefit currently (ray tracing) or unproven secret sauce (DLSS). Rocky, interesting times ahead, but I'm really happy, prices aside, that something new is emerging on the hardware front.
  11. Why do I feel like their "investigation" will just be typing Trump typing shit into google while Alex Jones explains how the evil liberal corporations will turn us all into commies who serve angry, hairy, lesbians?
  12. Unknown at this time! That said, its running on UE4 so it should run pretty well on most machines as long as you are not trying to push 4K.
  13. jUST WAITING ON THAT PRE-LOAD! This is my first big "Fall" title for 2018!
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