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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. some more Architecture info/claims: https://wccftech.com/nvidia-turing-gpu-architecture-geforce-rtx-graphics-cards-detailed/
  2. Forgive my ignorance, but does this mean that each game would have a complied neural architecture library of samples that it would save a s a temp file? I assume that once the DL cores understand the reference material they will create their own reference file to draw from, one that I assume would not be a huge file(s)?
  3. This image is a wealth of questions! Obviously one can dismiss this as nothing but marketing PR, but there is always a sliver of truth wedged into these things that only becomes clear retrospectively. The first question I have is, why does DLSS have support on the games on the left, but not the games on the right? Is adoption from game to game based on how well these features can "bolt on" to each respective engine? Of does it reflect a time and commitment cost? Why will NO ONE reward my impatience?!
  4. One week from tomorrow, some of us will have our 20xx series cards (or at least they'll be shipping to us!). With that in mind, who pre-ordered? Who is trying to buy day one but did not pre-order? Obviously, at these prices most will pass on buying any of these cards for now. Much has been made of the Ray Tracing feature, but I am currently much more interested in the immediate benefits of DLSS on 4K performance and if this feature, once commonly used, will give these cards a significant boost in FPSs at high resolutions or if its all marketing fluff. I'm honestly just excited to try out new tech, as per usual, but DLSS seems to not be getting much attention and given that Ray Tracing is still not quite ready for prime time, I surprised Nvidia hasn't spoken more on this feature.
  5. Everyday is Anthony Wiener is a creep day!
  6. Tim Horton's dark roast, we order a bulk shipment each month of several large canisters of the stuff! Paired with Lehigh valley creamer and life is good!
  7. I've enjoyed all 7 seasons quite a bit, but after that last finally, I'm not sure I see where the series goes from here or if I like what they are hinting at on the whole.
  8. I drink WAAAAAAAAAAY too much coffee, often over a pot a day. Its my vice. I gave up cigarettes after the birth of my oldest child and my job is to "always on" to allow myself the pleasure of more than an occasional drink ( @Boyle5150 , still working off your rum brother! ). Lastly, I've been on a very strict diet (mostly proteins and veggies that cycles from 1500-1800 calories a day) since May (down 35lbs, woo hoo! slender Sully here we come!) so its just me and coffee, and I suppose hypertension!
  9. I know that historically Japanese content sells poorly on the X, but given its recent success on steam you' think they'd drop a few ports at least to test the waters.
  10. Today will be a mix of Strange Brigade, DQ, and WF.
  11. I have an e-vite from my neighbors for their Halloween party, so apparently not. Stan Against Evil returns on Halloween, so I'm pretty excited this year!
  12. Clearly you guys forget the days on D1P when I would post this in response to infighting of any kind:
  13. It really depends! If I'm playing a couple of shooters all together, no. Each control scheme tries to supplant the last as the defacto scheme in my head, and my already meager skills plummet! But if its say, one RPG, one shooter, and some rando indie? Sure, I'll play them in a rotating cycle until completion.
  14. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/arts-and-entertainment/wp/2018/09/06/cranberries-singer-dolores-oriordan-died-by-accidental-drowning/?utm_term=.0fd32dc3087b
  15. I’m starting to think he’s not even Scottish, that it’s all been an act!
  16. My God, I didn't even consider that it was possible on the Win 2! Sweet!
  17. It was certainly made better and played better, that is for sure!
  18. Just beat The Evil Within 2! Better gameplay mechanics than the first game, along with better graphics and other production values. But, it somehow just wasn't as weird as the first game. At times it had striking visual moments, but overall I think the first game is the more memorable of the two, which is funny because I "liked" 2 a bit more. they are an odd pair of games. 1 is more distinctive, 2 is the better made game.
  19. I was Always taught that the internet was a digital toilet and that it is where my "mind poops" should go...sorry!
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