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Court Jester
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Everything posted by Mr.Vic20

  1. I haven't beat it yet (about 50%) but I'll tell you that the plot could be exchanged for any Uncharted, Indiana Jones, generic pulp that defines this kind of popcorn blockbuster and it would change nothing.
  2. I hope its true and not their usual Brilliant engineering married to sloppy corporate habits.
  3. Yes, its true! I also expect we won't see the DLSS support out of the gate either. The whole launch seems like Nvidia only recently bothered to let others know what they we up to regarding the new tech. Which totally sounds like Nvidia's typical half baked launches.
  4. Lets be real, the posting quality level only went up with the introduction of this spam bot! I say we play it out and see what comes of this evolution...
  5. If you had a problem with previous games then OK, I can see such a complaint, but I didn't because the animations are NOT stiff. Maybe someone can show me what they mean about this, because this game's animations are no more or less "OK" than most other AAA action block busters.
  6. The game is lots of fun and a beauty to behold, these reviews are overly harsh IMO. Also, the animations are not stiff. That's just flat out silly wrong.
  7. Actually, if the benches are to be believed, this card is a touch more powerful than the Titan V in raw rasterization. But that’s not what i’M excited about, but rather I want to experience the new features that the Turing architecture brings to the table. I love new tech, and am endlessly curious to mess about with it when it becomes available.
  8. It’s gonna be a looong week man! As for those benches, they confuse me, but in a good way so I want to believe?
  9. I felt the series stumbled after II and though it had moments, like IV, it became, at least for me, not very interesting. Origins was genuinely enjoyable though and Odyssey looks positively brilliant!
  10. My son regularly plays the Switch and he is Five. That said, we've had a few near missed for sure! The big difference with the Switch vs the NES is, of course, its portability. People (I hope?) where not having their children cart the NES around the house. The Switch's portability causes a whole new level of risk that didn't exist with stationary systems. Yes, the Switch can of course be docked for child use, but kids some times don't always do what they are told. Shocking, I know!
  11. The new thing I learned from that video is that HDR is now handled at the hardware level, which is great as it causes an actual performance hit on Pascal and before. Good stuff!
  12. And remember, below the waist and its a stupid kids game, above the waist and it’s a stupid adult nazi Nazi game!
  13. here is a nice write up on the various DLSS modes and their respective benefits: https://wccftech.com/nvidia-dlss-explained-nvidia-ngx/
  14. I back this game and Ultima Ascendant, so I'm prepared for a excellent Q3/4 of old school Western dungeon Crawling!
  15. @stepee Hi Everyone, Wanted to give you an update on the GeForce RTX 2080 Ti availability. GeForce RTX 2080 Ti general availability has shifted to September 27th, a one week delay. We expect pre-orders to arrive between September 20th and September 27th.There is no change to GeForce RTX 2080 general availability, which is September 20th. We're eager for you to enjoy the new GeForce RTX family! Thanks for your patience. https://www.hardocp.com/news/2018/09/14/nvidia_geforce_rtx_2080_ti_availability_update/ Sounds like we pre-order folks go first then online retailers , but maybe they are shipping in waves? I suppose a lucky few will actually get their's on launch day, so who knows!
  16. 4K 30 is the way to play this on console. I tried it on my Xbox one X and it looks fairly cleaner than its 1080P counter part.
  17. Maxed out on the PC this is easily one of the best looking games I've ever played! Its absolutely more of the same, and for me that's a good thing! This is one of about a dozen titles that I just count on to move the state of the art visuals and world building (not story telling per say, but rather the viability of the world itself) forward while maintaining the same basic mechanics of gather--> build->fight-> advance->walking/talking loop. That said, The obvious love & care put into creating the environments is so high that I felt a pang of guilt not spending more time than I did, and trust me I spent time, just soaking in the first hour's locations! So much effort was extended to bringing these areas to life! Whoever you people are, thank you/sorry I had to run by your hard work; was killing shit!
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