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Everything posted by Iculus

  1. North American's are almost as enthralled with the Royals as the Brits. They'll just release some sort of themed product line (clothes, makeup, whatever) and be the next set of 'self made' billionaires.
  2. This was obviously an American op intended to implicate Iran in the murder of citizens of NATO allies, thus garnering support for future escalation. An EMP was used to knock out power so that the pilots couldn't communicate that they were taking fire from an F-35. Without power the 737 was unable to safely land with one engine. (I don't believe any of this, but I'll watch the movie if Harrison Ford is in it)
  3. TROMA- the entire catalogue Remo Williams C.H.U.D. (and I really enjoy C.H.U.D. 2 because of the Bud the Chud music video) Edit: Beastmaster Red Sonja, and Heavy Metal Edit 2: Buckaroo Bonzai
  4. https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2018/feb/12/stephen-mader-west-virginia-police-officer-settles-lawsuit Yeah, there's no difference...
  5. The only thing I had to look forward to today was Vic Beasley getting 2 sacks (10 on the year) so that a local sports radio personality had to get Vic tattooed on his butt. Fuck it all... move the team to Winnipeg
  6. I'm not Nolan, but I'm assuming he would have had some version of the joker in that movie. When Ledger died, they had to reimagine the entire movie. They did a remarkable job, all things considered. There was probably an insane amount of studio pressure to get it out by a certain date as well. The fact that the movie is even watchable is a testament to Nolan's ability.
  7. I think I stumbled on to IGN from the Asheron's Call VN (1999 2000?) I didn't post that much though. My screen name was something super stupid..... Linky007 maybe?!? Anyhoozle.... hiya!!
  8. ...... yourself. If you don't mean veto then pick different language.
  9. They're just appropriating money, not passing a bill. There is nothing that he can do about it.
  10. One of my old bosses delivered his baby at home (they couldn't make it to the hospital in time). They recommended that they take an ambulance to the hospital. He did all of the work and received a $2700 bill for an Uber with lights on top.
  11. 6 Underground It's beyond goofy, and rarely makes any sense. This will probably be one that audiences love, and critics will overthink. It's a Michael Bay film so it has lots of stuff blowing up that shouldn't even be able to, Ryan Reynolds doing Ryan Reynolds things, and a cheat code towards the end that had me crying from laughter. I thought it was great, but I certainly wouldn't try to convince anyone who thought otherwise.
  12. I'm pretty sure that the world series winning Astros are just an amalgamation of the Braves from the last decade.
  13. Poppy at #1 Followed by Kesha, Tool, and Marina lol
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