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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. That's an excellent point actually.
  2. And the first recipient of the post-D1Pocalypse era is @Dawnguard2001 - what do you want and for what system? Also many thanks to @Firewithin for the gift!
  3. There is some pretty eye-opening stuff in this article about the state of baseball. But this REALLY stood out for me: The average time between balls put in play, according to "Sports Illustrated," is a staggering 3 minutes, 45 seconds. WHAT THE HELL?!?
  4. @b_m_b_m_b_m @Chairslinger @Ricofoley @Spawn_of_Apathy - I've uploaded your avatars from what I salvaged from the old server. Sorry @sblfilms and @Jose - I can't find yours. I'm gonna assume that they were probably hotlinks rather than uploads.
  5. We might as well get Day One Patch Version 2.0/Bad Cartridge Version 3.0 off to the right start with a giveaway! This one is gonna have one rule though: in order to be eligible, you gotta have an avatar! So get one and post in this thread to participate!
  6. Based on the data, it wouldn't be that much different at all. The proportions would be roughly the same.
  7. That missed chance before the half cost Sweden dearly.
  8. As of now, all 432 board members who made the "final cut" have been added to the board database. The final member tables were imported tonight and confirmation emails were transmitted. If you're pretty sure that someone you know from the site should be one of the 432 and they have NOT received a confirmation email, please have them get in touch with me through Facebook/Twitter/Discord and I will change their email address accordingly and resend a registration email. The list of all 432 members can be found in the attachment to this post. D1P_Members_Final_22_June_2018_No Email.csv
  9. @Emblazon - just to give you an idea, I did an analysis of pre-D1Pocalypse theme use based on the 425 members that are making the "final cut" for importing into the new database. 1.18% - Backwards Compatible 0.71% - Dreamcast 8.94% - PlayStation 3.06% - Retro 2600 7.06% - Xbox 78.12% - SNES
  10. I'm looking in the AdminCP and I have absolutely no idea where that setting is. Edit: nevermind - I just found it and set it to unlimited.
  11. Hey if you Wrestling guys have a way to get in touch with Chairslinger, please go ahead and do so!
  12. Yes I will consider it, but it would have to pretty consistent trolling. In order to get a sub-board, you'd have to make a damned good case for one.
  13. Destiny is a single game which easily fits within the context of the Gaming board. Wrestling is very different because it's something like movies or TV. Because they're not getting a sub-board, they can have multiple threads on either the Entertainment or Sports board.
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