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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. The answer to removing them from Entertainment is "absolutely not" and the answer to making them a single color is "only if more people complain".
  2. Alright - I'm in the cave with the guy. What am I supposed to do?
  3. We're still trying to figure that editor box out as it's not quite right yet.
  4. The new game places more emphasis on how to build a better world out of the ashes, versus simply surviving in the original. Based on the short demo that Techland was showing at this month’s E3 Expo, that means more player choice, and , not shying away from the political implications of those choices.
  5. OK fine - find another execution emote that we can assign a neutral value to or a "neutral" guillotine
  6. I have heard the cries of the masses and have responded accordingly!
  7. As far as we can tell, there is no way to control it at the user level. We implemented this system in order to avoid the proliferation of sub-boards that existed before.
  8. Whoops! Sorry about that @Bacon - I forgot to activate it in the Entertainment board. Try it now.
  9. Did the child have to assemble the handgun with an hex key/Allen wrench?
  10. Opinion here. Three additional features of the entry policy support the Government’s claim of a legitimate national security interest. First, since the President introduced entry restrictions in January 2017, three Muslim-majority countries—Iraq, Sudan, and Chad—have been removed from the list. Second, for those countries still subject to entry restrictions, the Proclamation includes numerous exceptions for various categories of foreign nationals. Finally, the Proclamation creates a waiver program open to all covered foreign nationals seeking entry as immigrants or nonimmigrants. Under these circumstances, the Government has set forth a sufficient national security justification to survive rational basis review.
  11. OK, you now have a brown eSports tag/prefix.
  12. @Bacon - I created your pink anime tag/prefix
  13. @Bacon - what color do you want for the Anime tag?
  14. Yeah, I do get what you're saying. That will primarily be an issue for the Entertainment board as you said. OK, let me think of how to address that for Wrestling and Comics (Movies, Music, TV, and Reading already have pinned threads).
  15. We've implemented a more elegant solution for a forum that simply does not have sufficient traffic to warrant the multiplicity of sub-boards we had before.
  16. The prefix system that we just implemented is intended to replace the need for sub-boards.
  17. Tonight's recipient is @Iculus! I've decided to run the contest for the entire week as a "thank you" to the community for its patience and sticking around during our D1Pocalypse!
  18. This Is Just the Beginning Today has been a day of absolute white-hot seething rage for me. Not directed at the Imbecile-in-Chief and his enablers - that's a given. But directed at the "chattering class" who pretty much dropped the mask to show just how much of bunch of cowards they are when they realize that someone might make them somewhat uncomfortable in a public setting. What REALLY pushed me over the edge today was Obama's Secretary of "Education".
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