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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. If another one gets nominated, they might actually consider cutting aid to Israel at this rate!
  2. @osxmatt - what's your Steam name? Edit: nevermind - I just sent you a Friend request.
  3. @TwinIon - there is zero doubt in my mind that ALMO is an absolute wildcard, but I am reasonably sure that he isn't in the mold of Chavez/Maduro.
  4. Glad you made it here @Mike
  5. There is an incredible divergence between what Sanders actually said and the tone of the headline of that article.
  6. That is simply an impossibility in the political climate of 2018. @Massdriver - the world -- not just the United States -- has moved on. It really, honestly has and the sooner people accept that reality and learn to "deal" with it, the better.
  7. What am I at now? OK - 39 posts to go!
  8. Did the baker refuse service to homosexual customers previously on the basis that they were homosexual?
  9. What he means is that I changed to the guillotine to give a +1 reputation point
  10. I'm going to side with @sblfilms in this particular debate. The fact fact of the matter is that there were "political acts" involved in both cases, though in the case of one there was more likely an underlying sense of anti-homosexual bigotry. In regard to the equivalence of a relationship of any sort (heterosexual/homosexual/familial/etc.) to the inhumanity of the Imbecile-in-Chief's administration, I'm going to stake out the radical position that they are both expressions of "politics". A relationship is an expression of cultural norms and values which are invariably shaped by "politics" in the broadest sense of the word. The fact that "love" is involved doesn't change the notion that a society's norms and values shape how that particular physiological/psychological motivation is expressed. The act of loving someone is therefore inherently "political".
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