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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. I can 100% assure that if his resume crossed my desk and I discovered this information, it would be enough to a warrant taking a "pass" on it if there were similarly qualified candidates without such allegations. I don't think it's "absurd" in the least to suggest the possibility that it will have a significantly detrimental impact on his future.
  2. I live with a female friend. Of course, she's not attracted to me because I'm not African-American, I'm not attracted to her because she's Slavic, so I guess it all works out!
  3. This is what happens when two neutral countries play each other.
  4. Then that's your answer right there as to what it should never happen. Do you honestly want to give this legal system the ability to put some poor black guy on trial until the "state" gets it "right"? The answer to that question is a resounding "No!" even if it means that some repugnant white racist gets away scot-free.
  5. This is is a situation where there should be no exceptions whatsoever. Within the legal system, this should be as ironclad as the presumption of innocence and the right to a jury of trial.
  6. It shouldn't be possible even in those scenarios. If you are anything resembling a "liberal", then you should be 100% of the position that the "state" at any level does not get a "do over" even if it was egregiously wrong.
  7. Joachim Löw to stay as Germany manager despite World Cup humiliation
  8. It's a really unprecedented landslide victory by anyone's standards. Presidency - 53% of the vote with 77% of the precincts reporting House of Deputies - 210 seats (70%) Senate - 52 seats (54%)
  9. "Handhelds"?!? If you want to add a Board Games prefix, then go right ahead!
  10. @AndyD @Biggie I've pre-ordered your PS4 digital copies of RDR2 - I'll send the codes when I receive them on October 26
  11. I am in 100% agreement with this. There's just something "wrong" on a "moral level" about trying someone twice for the same crime, especially if one sovereign entity or the other has already acquitted you of the crime. Of course, there are going to be situations where "justice" (whatever the hell that is!) may not be served by prohibiting another trial at the Federal or state level, but I think that risk is significantly outweighed by the moral dimensions of allowing such trials to occur. Once again, the superiority of the non-Federal, unitary state is demonstrated as such conundrums would NEVER occur to begin with
  12. I already assumed that the Fifth Amendment did prohibit such a practice from the outset. I'm genuinely surprised that there was precedent to allow it to happen. That precedent should be overruled.
  13. AMLO's first official act as President of the United Mexican States will be the sacking of Juan Carlos Osorio.
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