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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. A recently discovered hole in Valve's API allowed observers to generate extremely precise and publicly accessible data for the total number of players for thousands of Steam games. While Valve has now closed this inadvertent data leak, Ars can still provide the data it revealed as a historical record of the aggregate popularity of a large portion of the Steam library. Here is a CSV file if you're so inclined.
  2. When it comes to most shows -- especially those on Netflix -- less is ALWAYS more.
  3. ArenaNet knew that Price was outspoken on issues involving anti-woman toxicity in the gaming industry (both video games and tabletop games) when she was hired and the man-children of Reddit had their oh-so-predictable and tiresome "SJW fit" so it's not like ANet management was unaware of the "risk" they were taking when they hired her and I'm assuming that they evaluated it as one worth taking for her writing talents. So what exactly changed between her hiring and those tweets from July 4 which are not necessarily too out-of-line from her previous public comments for ANet management to make seemingly radical decision? I really do think that the Bain tweet might have been a "bridge too far" for ANet management and that she was asked to be more circumspect in her public use of Twitter. There is a difference between taking on Reddit man-children and appearing to dance on someone's grave publicly (even if that person acted like a Reddit man-child himself on more than one occasion). In any event, the more I think about it, the more ANet looks like they bungled this, especially if firing the guy was simply a means to head off a "double standard" claim which REALLY does appear to be the case.
  4. Because it's 2018 and we've had multiple examples of how these things occur in recent years.
  5. I wouldn't go as far to say that it was handled "well" as much as it "might have been handled less poorly than the alternatives". And that would entirely be dependent on whether or not she had been subjected to previous internal disciplinary action for similar behavior (the Bain tweet). If she had been previously been warned, then this was the more than likely the proper course of action. If she had NOT been previously warned, then this was handled terribly by management. Of more interest to me is the "veteran" writer who was sacked as that one does seem to have no real precedent in his public behavior.
  6. His presence in the UK is politically destabilizing to May's government so that is absolutely the reason why London is being avoided.
  7. Considering what we've seen in gaming community, I don't think it's that much of an overreaction.
  8. He's referring to the notion that this now essentially creates "open season" on Guild Wars 2 developers if they implement things of which the community disapproves.
  9. I'm pretty certain that had this occurred in isolation that she wouldn't have been terminated, but in conjunction with the previous tweet about Bain's passing, ArenaNet probably figured it was best to cut ties.
  10. At least two suspected rhino poachers have been mauled to death and eaten by lions on a South African game reserve, officials say. Rangers discovered the remains of two, possibly three, people in a lion enclosure in the Sibuya reserve, near the south-east town of Kenton-on-Sea.
  11. I honestly can't remember because I don't think I've watched any livestream for more than 5 minutes before getting incredibly bored
  12. While I feel bad for Uruguay, I certainly DO NOT feel bad for Suarez.
  13. AI agents continue to rack up wins in the video game world. Last week, OpenAI’s bots were playing Dota 2; this week, it’s Quake III, with a team of researchers from Google’s DeepMind subsidiary successfully training agents that can beat humans at a game of capture the flag.
  14. When Fantasy Flight Games announced that it would be revamping the Star Wars: X-Wing Miniatures Game, fans around the world let out a nearly audible groan. But after spending a few days with the latest version, titled simply X-Wing Second Edition, I’m convinced that this is the best iteration of the classic tabletop game yet.
  15. Eurogamer wondered the same thing. They speculated that she might have been warned internally after the TotalBiscuit tweet that further activity on Twitter of a similar nature might be grounds for termination. That seems like a pretty reasonable inference. And, yes - I do consider "being a salty asshole on Twitter" being grounds for immediate termination. I know that in my firm it is and I happen to agree with the policy.
  16. Her immediate sacking is somewhat understandable (she worked at ArenaNet for less than a year and probably received a warning for that tweet about Bain). However, the firing of Fries who worked at ArenaNet for more than 13 years is far more of a headscratcher.
  17. Which airline offers such a convenient in-flight service for merely being a T-Mobile customer?!?
  18. That's a really informative video - thanks for sharing! I'm have little doubt that this will be the main attraction at Gen Con next month!
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