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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. I will support the Catholic Slavs over the Orthodox Slavs in this match.
  2. England postpones its inevitable misery for one more match.
  3. The Ecstasy of Gold is the quintessential piece of music for a Western film.
  4. Should I bring this to Invision's attention in that case?
  5. I'm using the PS theme and the YT embeds are still kinda small.
  6. Are you sure they went to the BBB and not a labor rights organization?
  7. You went through the BBB as a consumer, right? This is a labor situation that's typically out of the BBB's purview. Edit: I just checked: The BBB does not examine the following issues: Employer-employee disputes
  8. The BBB is a horseshit organization that companies can "buy" their ratings from. This is a labor legal case through and through. @Remarkableriots - if you find an attorney willing to take the case, I'll help with the legal bills if they're unable to do it pro bono.
  9. Contact a labor attorney and see if they would be willing to take your case pro bono or for a nominal fee.
  10. OH HELL NO! The government's subsidies mean that we grow too much goddamned corn which keeps the price artificially low.
  11. A transition of American farmers away from soybean cultivation would not be a bad thing.
  12. "As far as we can tell, the number is actually closest to "total number of Steam users who have played the game at least once." People with the game in their account but who have never touched it don't count.
  13. A recently discovered hole in Valve's API allowed observers to generate extremely precise and publicly accessible data for the total number of players for thousands of Steam games. While Valve has now closed this inadvertent data leak, Ars can still provide the data it revealed as a historical record of the aggregate popularity of a large portion of the Steam library. Here is a CSV file if you're so inclined.
  14. When it comes to most shows -- especially those on Netflix -- less is ALWAYS more.
  15. ArenaNet knew that Price was outspoken on issues involving anti-woman toxicity in the gaming industry (both video games and tabletop games) when she was hired and the man-children of Reddit had their oh-so-predictable and tiresome "SJW fit" so it's not like ANet management was unaware of the "risk" they were taking when they hired her and I'm assuming that they evaluated it as one worth taking for her writing talents. So what exactly changed between her hiring and those tweets from July 4 which are not necessarily too out-of-line from her previous public comments for ANet management to make seemingly radical decision? I really do think that the Bain tweet might have been a "bridge too far" for ANet management and that she was asked to be more circumspect in her public use of Twitter. There is a difference between taking on Reddit man-children and appearing to dance on someone's grave publicly (even if that person acted like a Reddit man-child himself on more than one occasion). In any event, the more I think about it, the more ANet looks like they bungled this, especially if firing the guy was simply a means to head off a "double standard" claim which REALLY does appear to be the case.
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