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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. If having a bit of "creativity" in board names -- which contain a description of the board contents just below the name -- turns away newcomers, then I don't want 'em here anyway!
  2. @Nokt - Dead Space suffered from a fundamental problem in this industry that I call the "escalation trap". This when a franchise's sequels are essentially forced to "escalate" the stakes involved to such a ridiculous degree that the game defies even a generous sense of suspension of disbelief. This is exactly what happened to Dead Space where Isaac's more meaningful personal story was swamped by whatever the hell the narrative become by Dead Space 3. Dead Space isn't the only EA franchise to suffer from this, however. By far the most notable example of this is the Mass Effect series. Mass Effect essentially started off immediately with an existential threat to the galaxy which meant that there wasn't even an opportunity to gradually ease into the "escalation trap". The resolution of that series was effective doomed from the start to be an unsatisfying "deus ex machina".
  3. Italy will not ratify the European Union’s free trade agreement with Canada, its new agriculture minister said on Thursday, ratcheting up an international trade spat and potentially scuppering the EU’s biggest accord in years.
  4. Eurogamer interviewed Ben Wanat, who was creative director of Dead Space and is now creative director at Crystal Dynamics, and he shared some of his insights into what Dead Space 4 would've been like.
  5. It kinda/sorta ended last week but I didn't officially announce that, so I guess it's still open
  6. I think it's safe to assume that this was present in the final gold master that was sent to MS/Sony for 360/PS3 certification. We know that the platform holders' certification process only really checks to make sure the code doesn't brick the console and a few other things (achievements, etc.) so non-existent AI wouldn't be on their radar, but that also kinda/sorta means that Gearbox didn't actually play the game's gold master before sending it to the platform holders.
  7. A typo found in the INI file after all this time appears to be one of the major causes for terrible AI mechanics in the game. Thankfully typo's are easy to fix! LOLGearboxLOL
  8. It's the only type of pizza that DESERVES to be discussed because goddamned pizza -- the second most overrated food product after lobster -- doesn't deserve any better than that.
  9. I'm not sure what is being pointed out - is it the colors? I'll probably exclude a few of the new ones from the cloud anyway too.
  10. I'm really open to suggestions for that one. I originally tried "The Comfy Couch" but @nobody liked that one
  11. As you can see, I've decided to rename the boards to have a little bit more creativity (even if they are terribly cheesy!) There have been a few suggestions for the new name of the "Entertainment & Consumer Technology" boards so I thought I'd take a poll to see which one is the most preferred.
  12. I was also thinking of "The Stage" Maybe a poll is in order to choose between The Red Carpet, The Show Floor, and The Stage?
  13. No - iPhones/iPods/iPads will go into "Consumer Technology".
  14. I genuinely want to cultivate the Tabletop Gaming part of our community because we are a "gaming forum" first and foremost, and that naturally includes Tabletop Gaming so it's only "natural" that it receives its own forum. We simply don't have enough consumer tech discussion outside of PC stuff to warrant its own "technology and consumerism" forum or sub-forum which is why I've decided that Mac-related discussion will take place on the newly renamed "PC/Mac Tech and PCCB" sub-forum and all other consumer-tech related discussion will take place in "The Red Carpet" (or whatever name we settle on for Entertainment & Consumer Technology)
  15. Then let the thought of how quickly those Mac-related threads will be buried provide soothing comfort to you
  16. The PC Tech board isn't strictly for gaming though the majority of the discussion will be centered on that. That board can essentially be used for any "computer-related" issues or discussions.
  17. Mac didn't have a "natural" home so I made the decision to include it in the "PC Tech" sub-board.
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