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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. This is a difficult decision for me because the Kardashians are Armenians which is practically justification enough itself for extermination in my book. However, as annoying and repulsive as they are, they're not malignant. Therefore, Bezos gets the guillotine.
  2. Louise Mensch is a British blogger and former Conservative Member of Parliament that absolutely no one should pay the least bit of attention to. However, the so-called "Resistance" fawned all over her last year because she's vociferously anti-Imbecile and was one of the first to go all-in on the Russia conspiracy stuff (despite having no real evidence at the time to support it). Here are a few of her notable hits: During and after the 2016 US presidential election, Mensch's political commentary has promoted conspiracy theories about the Russian government, Donald Trump and people in Trump's circle.[91] Mensch claims she has evidence that Vladimir Putin had Andrew Breitbart murdered to make room for Steve Bannon at Breitbart.[92][93][94] She has stated that the 2017 Istanbul nightclub shooting was a Russian false flag operation, with Russia posing as ISIL;[84] that "Bannon and his team" were behind bomb threats to Jewish community centres; and that Russian intelligence planted Hillary Clinton's emails on Anthony Weiner's laptop.[4] Mensch has also accused numerous people and organizations of being Russian "shills", "moles" and "agents of influence," including founder of Facebook Mark Zuckerberg, Peter Thiel,[95][96] Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and elements of Mossad (Israel's intelligence service).[97] Mensch stated that President Obama should have responded with "precision bombing raids" and "massive cyber war" in response to Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections.[4]
  3. Congratulations to Disney on the further consolidation of the media industry hellscape.
  4. In an interview with Recode, Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg defended the site’s decision to not remove accounts that post false information, saying that some Holocaust deniers aren’t “intentionally getting it wrong.” The interview with Recode can be found here. He gets the
  5. Hey, I'm not the one who wanted all these Slavs in NATO to begin with!
  6. Amazon’s Tales From The Loop will tell the story of the alternate reality 1980s created by Stålenhag’s work, a sort of Stranger Things meets Welcome To Night Vale hybrid where high-tech machines, people, and monsters live side-by-side thanks to “The Loop,” a secret government project Simon Stålenhag website An example of the imagery from the art project (which you can buy in a book).
  7. Microsoft will use a live Inside Xbox show to debut "all-new Xbox hardware and accessories", direct from this year's Gamescom showfloor.
  8. Montenegro begins trial of alleged pro-Russian coup plotters
  9. Blizzard has tweaked the charging structure for World of Warcraft, meaning there are effectively no upfront fees to start playing the long-running MMO. Users were formerly required to purchase a Battle Chest for a flat, upfront fee in order to start the game, with this charge excluding ongoing monthly subscription prices. But that's apparently a thing of the past. Battle Chests are no longer available on Battle.net, and the revised subscription page advises that users are now able to jump straight in with only their monthly fees to worry about.
  10. The European Commission says Google has abused its Android market dominance in three key areas. Google has been bundling its search engine and Chrome apps into the operating system. Google has also allegedly blocked phone makers from creating devices that run forked versions of Android, and it “made payments to certain large manufacturers and mobile network operators” to exclusively bundle the Google search app on handsets.
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