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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. For such a relatively small amount, absolutely nothing. However, if Beijing was to do something similar -- in retaliation for tariffs on $500 billion of their exports, for example -- it would lead to an increase in the borrowing costs for US Treasury securities.
  2. Is NY an "at will" employment state? If so, it will be very difficult for him to get compensation as the company will claim that his original termination was in-line with the company's policies and he was not singled-out for specific discriminatory treatment.
  3. Ehhhhh - let's not go overboard here. There was absolutely no "mainstream outrage" yet, not even close. This was a pre-emptive strike by Disney to head it off before it got to DEFCON-Roseanne level.
  4. After the Roseanne debacle a "fire first, reflect later" action by Disney really doesn't come as that much of a surprise to me, even if much like that situation, this is a self-inflicted wound.
  5. The come up with an appropriate noun that matches the "theme".
  6. Communism is essentially end-state socialism. On one end of the socialism spectrum, you have the European-style Social Democrats, on the other the Marxists.
  7. I can easily put myself in the position of a Disney executive who just endured the Roseanne debacle and going "fire first, reflect later". It's as simple as that unfortunately from a corporate perspective.
  8. I would've sacked an employee who did something similar without a second thought, especially if I'm an executive in a company with a "family-friendly" image.
  9. A U.S. Treasury report this week appears to show Russia liquidating dollar assets at a record pace, selling four-fifths of its cache of U.S. government debt, $81 billion worth, over a two-month period. It started in April, when the U.S. imposed the most onerous sanctions yet on allies of Putin.
  10. I doubt that it was, but even a satirical tweet of that nature is certainly not something Disney would want to be a part of, even absent the alt-right trolling.
  11. James Gunn has been removed as director of the Guardians Of The Galaxy series after a batch of old social media dispatches were unearthed that touched on areas like pedophilia and rape. He should've been sacked for the boring, bloated mess that was GotG 2 - COME AT ME, BROS!
  12. And this shouts from the highest heavens "Lalalalalala! I'm sticking my fingers in my ears beacuse I don't want to be reminded that I live in a reality where there will be no political price to pay for this." No, I'm not going to stop. In fact, I just might crank it to 11!
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