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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. The EU is absolutely going to make an example of the UK (which in all honesty has always been a whiner within the EU anyway in regard to rules/regulations developed in Brussels). I have a feeling that the EU isn't exactly too broken up about washing their hands of the UK.
  2. I am UTTERLY SHOCKED that GMU's Koch-funded Mercatus Center would come up with an estimate at the upper end of the range. UTTERLY SHOCKED.
  3. If Boris Johnson was still Foreign Minister, he'd say something to the effect of "Chinese, Japanese - what's the bloody difference? They look alike anyway". I wish I was only half-kidding that he'd say something like that.
  4. LOL No LOL You made your Limey bed (just like we made ours with the Imbecile) and now you get to lie in it.
  5. For some inexplicable reason, I decided to watch the 2+ Tough YouTube channel during my time in Florida last week to learn about the lore of Age of Sigmar
  6. Washington Post: Black victims, who accounted for the majority of homicides, were the least likely of any racial group to have their killings result in an arrest. While police arrested someone in 63 percent of the killings of white victims, they did so in just 47 percent of those with black victims.
  7. Taliban officials met secretly with a senior US diplomat in Qatar last week, sources in the group have told the BBC. The face-to-face talks in Doha with Alice Wells, a state department deputy assistant secretary, were "very important", one Taliban official said. This is one of the few areas where the Imbecile's diplomatic actions are EXACTLY on-point.
  8. Oh, in case you were wondering how so many Bangladeshis ended up in India, the answer is Nixon and Kissinger.
  9. This one makes vastly more sense reaching gold status now than Shadow of the Tomb Raider.
  10. A fantastic visual and aural experience that would've been SO MUCH BETTER if it was a pure "walking simulator" stripped of all of its gameplay elements.
  11. India has published a list which effectively strips about four million people in the north-eastern state of Assam of their citizenship. The National Register of Citizens (NRC) is a list of people who can prove they came to the state by 24 March 1971, a day before neighbouring Bangladesh declared independence.
  12. Jerome Jacobson and his network of mobsters, psychics, strip club owners, and drug traffickers won almost every prize for 12 years, until the FBI launched Operation ‘Final Answer.’
  13. Electronic Arts said during a financial call yesterday that Origin Access Premier, an upgraded version of its subscription-based Origin Access service that will provide full, unlimited access to EA games, will go live next week. More quietly, it also pulled the plug on Origin's "On the House" program, which provided free games to everyone—including non-Access subscribers—on an intermittent, time-limited basis.
  14. Every now and then, EVE Online players engage in a massive, absolutely fascinating war involving thousands of capital ships. Another one of these wars started last week. Eve Online is once again embroiled in a massive war (Polygon) The battle at UALX-3, in the Tenerifis territory, is likely just the beginning In EVE Online War, Spawn Camping Goes On For A Week (Kotaku) EVE Online Alliances Are Positioning For A Massive War Over the past week, the overwhelming majority of EVE Online’s player run coalitions have begun to band together and field some of the most powerful fleets that the game has ever seen. The game’s galaxy map is split along its North-South axis, with each side attempting to drive a vanguard strike deep into the heart of their enemies territory. In short, it’s looking like war—maybe the biggest one yet, which is saying something.
  15. Battlefield V’s epic Grand Operations mode, described by EA as “the ultimate multiplayer experience”, will not be available at launch. In a post on the game’s website describing the mode and how it will play, the publisher notes that the first Grand Operation will not begin until “shortly after launch.”
  16. Or the New York Times who has consistently failed to mention climate change in any of its articles related to the extreme global weather these last few weeks.
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