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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. That's correct. Cyberpunk 2077 will be a spring 2020 (cross-generation) release.
  2. That's the entire question of the constitutionality of this idea: does this represent a usurpation of Congress's "power of the purse" because it represents such a fundamental change to a really significant component of tax law.
  3. We have to assume that Saudi Arabia/UAE wouldn't annex Qatar outright, but would install their own puppet monarchy That would have been an interesting situation for FIFA to deal with regarding Qatar's hosting of the 2024 World Cup. Hell, I almost wish it did happen to see FIFA twist itself in knots trying to figure out what to do.
  4. It would've been amusing to see American Gulf Arab allies invading another American Gulf Arab ally that hosts the major CENTCOM base in the region.
  5. You made me create it for exactly one thread, didn't you?
  6. Three Russian journalists killed in the Central African Republic this week were investigating a Russian private military company with links to the Kremlin, their editors said. The Investigations Management Centre (IMC) said on its website on Tuesday that the team of reporters, led by the veteran war correspondent Orkhan Djemal, had been researching the actions of the Russian military firm Wagner, which has also been active in Syria and Ukraine.
  7. I have little doubt this will be a Christmas Steam Sale purchase for me!
  8. I UTTERLY DESPISE sushi. It's another of the reasons that two atomic bombs were not nearly enough.
  9. Even if the cat wasn't let out of the bag, it would STILL be overreach. If I can buy The Anarchist Cookbook or check it out from the library, then there is absolutely zero reason to not allow me to download these schematics.
  10. New study shows white Americans love government support programs — that is, if they’re the beneficiaries
  11. In addition to the removal of the two week post-release discount, they've also removed it from Collector's Editions.
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