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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. ONE person gave you the guillotine. The rest of us don't care all that much about Assassin's Creed one way or the other
  2. Nitro subscribers will have free access to 10 titles: “Saints Row: The Third,” “Metro: Last Light Redux," Darksiders: Warmastered Edition,” “De Blob,” “Tormentor X Punisher,” “Dandara,” “Kathy Rain,” “GoNNER,” “Kingdom: New Lands,” “System Shock Enhanced Edition,” and “Super Meat Boy.”
  3. Dozens of people, many of them school children, have been killed or wounded in a Saudi-led coalition air strike in rebel-held northern Yemen, medics say. There's another story "liberal" MSNBC won't report either.
  4. As excerpted from the book The Fighters More than three million Americans have served in uniform in these wars. Nearly 7,000 of them have died. Tens of thousands more have been wounded. More are killed or wounded each year, in smaller numbers but often in dreary circumstances...On one matter there can be no argument: The policies that sent these men and women abroad, with their emphasis on military action and their visions of reordering nations and cultures, have not succeeded. It is beyond honest dispute that the wars did not achieve what their organizers promised, no matter the party in power or the generals in command. Astonishingly expensive, strategically incoherent, sold by a shifting slate of senior officers and politicians and editorial-page hawks, the wars have continued in varied forms and under different rationales each and every year since passenger jets struck the World Trade Center in 2001. They continue today without an end in sight, reauthorized in Pentagon budgets almost as if distant war is a presumed government action.
  5. To say that the critical reception is "mixed" would be an understatement. The general theme is that they nailed the story/characters/setting, but dropped the ball on the gameplay.
  6. Tribune Media has terminated its $3.9 billion deal to be bought by Sinclair Broadcast Group, the company said on Thursday, after regulators objected to the acquisition that had received support from U.S. President Donald Trump. Tribune also filed a lawsuit against Sinclair, alleging material breach of contract, the company said.
  7. Man, he's REALLY phoning it in lately! At this rate, his next one will just be "Red".
  8. Alexios agrees to aid the legendary physician Hippokrates in this mission gameplay from Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
  9. Only if there is a definite alternate path in the narrative. Otherwise, never.
  10. Episode 1: Deal or No Deal For 11 hours, Monica Lewinsky faced off against federal prosecutors who threatened her with decades in prison if she refused to help them take down the president.
  11. Beijing poised to outstrip Australia as largest donor for the first time, with Papua New Guinea the major beneficiary
  12. This is exactly the point that Polygon makes in this piece: The Oscars’ new ‘popular film’ category exists for popcorn movies, but undermines them
  13. You can buy a PDF of the sourcebook now at DriveThruRPG However, if you want a physical copy, that's going to take a bit longer as they only printed enough for a first run to be sold at GenCon.
  14. The writer of the Witcher TRPG has advice for having sex at the table: Don’t (Polygon)
  15. Yes, Elon's "plan" (OLOLOL!) would require the creation of a Special Purpose Vehicle/Special Purpose Entity (SPV/SPE) for those stockholders that don't cash out at $420/share. I'm not sure that it's as seemingly impossible as the article's respondents think though.
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