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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. I'll wear my Haitian Revolution t-shirt from the Revolutions podcast. A revolution where black slaves overthrew their European colonial masters and defeated a French military expedition sent by Napoleon.
  2. You can take the form of a demon to invade the campaign of another player.
  3. He's from Avalanche Studios Man, I honestly cannot believe that I'm looking forward to RAGE 2.
  4. I blame each and every one of you who did this shit every time that guido hack tweeted some self-serving garbage.
  5. U.S.-Turkey Relations Will Never Be the Same (Bloomberg) On Wednesday, Stars and Stripes reported that a group of pro-government lawyers in Turkey have filed charges against several U.S. officers at the Incirlik Air Base, accusing them too of ties to terrorist groups. They are demanding all flights leaving the base be temporarily suspended and a search warrant be executed.
  6. Oh, this would make Ian Fleming with his "casual colonialist racism" from the novels (and the early Bond films) absolutely spin in his grave! DO IT!
  7. No, he's punishing them for the continuing detainment of an American pastor. The atrocious phrasing of the tweet makes it appear there's a correlation between the lira's decline and the tariffs.
  8. From the permits that were granted by the Park Service yesterday, the Nazis estimate to have between 100 to 400 while the counter-protesters have obtained permits for four groups of 1,000, 1,500, 500 and 500. The Nazis plan to meet at the Vienna Metro station and then "obtain transportation" from there to Lafayette Square near the White House. The counter-protesters will assemble at Freedom Plaza, McPherson Square, and Farragut Square with an eventual march to Lafayette Square.
  9. They're attempting a "Unite the Right 2" rally here in DC on Sunday afternoon near the White House. I'm making every effort to be there with the counter-protesters or at the very least attend a counter rally in Alexandria.
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