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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. And would it kill antifa to maybe hit the gym once in a while? Jesus, those guys have noodle arms.
  2. Oh, and a lady got huffy at me for chanting "Fuck you, Nazis!" "We should be better than them. Don't use words like that." She must be one of the liberals who actually believes that "when they go low, we go high" shit and look where that got us.
  3. Afterwards, BLM and Antifa got a little testy with cops as they were held back from going up 17th Street because that was the exfiltration route for the Kessler & Company. BLM and Antifa felt that Kessler, et al. was being afforded "too much" police protection. Also, Black Bloc decided to overturn a few garbage cans.
  4. I really can't describe what happened because absolutely nothing happened. Kessler got up on stage, said something no one could hear, invited other speakers to the mic, no one took him up on the offer, it started to rain harder with thunder and lightening, a few empty water bottles got pelted their way, and then they called it off.
  5. I am in Lafayette Park directly across from the north side of the White House.
  6. Arrived at Freedom Plaza - now to await signal to move to Lafayette
  7. I am proceeding along Constitution Avenue. Very Nazi-less so far.
  8. Alright, I've got my anti-Nazi ensemble ready to go! - Haitian Revolution t-shirt - black Half-Life 2 baseball cap - red kerchief/bandana to cover the lower half of my face (upside: it's anti-Nazi red, downside: it has pictures of puppies and kitties) - weightlifting gloves I'm departing for Freedom Plaza in about an hour.
  9. The larger problem is that the "language" used to describe/write about gaming appears to be so very limited and unexpansive, both structurally and symbolically, that I'm willing to bet that if you took a representative sample of unquestionably non-plagiarized reviews that there would be a disconcertingly significant amount of similarity among them. This isn't a failure on the part of the reviewers, mind you. It's simply the reality of an industry/art form that is still very much "immature" (using that word in the non-pejorative sense) in its development. This is even further exacerbated by the disproportionate power of the large commercial organizations that dominate the industry/art and their ability to both consciously and unconsciously shape the thoughts of critics.
  10. The fact that the media is more than likely going to be consumed by that woman's book for the next week makes me want to burn something down.
  11. There are very few people with less credibility than Omarosa Newman. Any interviewer who doesn't lead with the question, "You knew what type of man he was from the show and yet you followed him to the White House. You said that 'Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump.' Why should anyone believe a damned word you say?" isn't doing their job. To hell with that woman.
  12. Not really my problem I do wish the t-shirt had this quote on it from Louis Félix Mathurin Boisrond-Tonnerre, one of the revolution's leaders: For our declaration of independence, we should have the skin of a white man for parchment, his skull for an inkwell, his blood for ink, and a bayonet for a pen!
  13. Information summary: New suit The suit has a sword attachment and a grenade launcher/flamethrower attachment Super Shotgun has a grappling hook attachment called the Meat Hook Grapple demons like Scorpion but accelerate towards them versus pulling them to you Combat Shotgun has a full automatic alt fire mode SWORDS New weapon, the Ballista, shoots explosive bolts that can pin demons OG style Plasma Gun is back DOOM SLAYER has a dash and can swing from poles a la Assassin's Creed Extra life pickups? Invasions, take control of a demon and invade another player's game a la Dark Souls Non-demonized human npcs will be present Multiple locations, Earth and Phobos to name two New glory kills and demons Reimagined demons from the last game and from Classic Doom "Destructible demons" - demons will visually start losing bits of flesh and stuff as they take damage idSoft are building a "DOOM universe" Lots of lore Game runs on idTech 7
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