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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. To provide some context, here are some everyday items and the amount of currency needed to purchase them:
  2. Oh, and to make things more "interesting", the new currency is pegged to the national cryptocurrency (the "petro") which is itself pegged to the price of oil.
  3. In a radical attempt to end a prolonged period of economic turmoil in the oil-rich, but cash-poor nation, Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro announced Friday that his socialist administration would issue new banknotes after lopping five zeroes off the beleaguered bolivar. The move effectively devalues Venezuela's currency by around 96 percent, with the bolivar set to go from about 285,000 per dollar to 6 million.
  4. Tesla Keeps Sliding as JPMorgan Sees No Secured Funding for Deal Tesla's board is failing its fiduciary responsibility to the stockholders by not acting aggressively to rein in the CEO.
  5. I will try not to destroy the site again during your absence. And I actually do kinda like Ensure.
  6. I'd like to once again remind Athens...and Rome...and Madrid...and Lisbon that forsaking your national currencies and adopting the euro was, is, and forever will be a very, very bad idea.
  7. The catch is that a security clearance does not "belong" to the individual who possesses it - it belongs to the government and the individual who has one really has no "rights" in regard to it.
  8. I don't see it as a First Amendment issue. This probably falls under due process or some other provision, but I don't see this as a strictly freedom of speech one.
  9. Stick to ranged combat because the melee combat is absolutely terrible. Also, level up a bot forst before engaing more difficult machines.
  10. And people wonder why I considered Comcast to be the "lesser" of the two evils.
  11. This is why I get irritated whenever I hear older generations bitching about millennials as they are on the whole far more responsible than previous ones when it comes to these types of issues.
  12. "Your honor, we've decided that everyone involved in this case sucks and we hate them. How do we mistrial this shit?"
  13. I don't think that trailer is gonna boost those pre-order numbers all that much because it's a mess.
  14. Episode 2: There There In 1993, Bill and Hillary Clinton moved into the White House on a swell of optimism. In less than a year, the new administration was mired in a sea of scandals: Travelgate, Nannygate, and, most consequentially, Whitewater. What went wrong?
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