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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. I don't use speech-to-text. Why not just CALL and leave a message instead of having an extra step?
  2. @Chris- is pulling your leg @skillzdadirecta There has been zero confirmation of a release date/year from CDPR.
  3. The model who claimed she had secret audio that proved Russian election interference said Monday she had handed the tapes to the oligarch on the recordings after he promised her a “little something” to keep quiet.
  4. Saints Row IV is the best Crackdown game that will ever be made.
  5. (a) The notion of "settled law" is ludicrous. (b) Roe v Wade can be settled law, and the court could still allow states to "practically" ban it through restrictions - which is exactly what will happen: states will enact extremely stringent laws and regulations that will effectively ban abortions within their jurisdictions and SCOTUS will uphold them while maintaining the fig leaf of Roe v Wade's legality.
  6. It's a long-running joke that the German PC gaming community absolutely adores these "simulator" type games which actually involve "work" because working (even for recreation) is just part of the German national character.
  7. As is the lack of support for Hitman 2 ( @GeneticBlueprint excepted!) and Darksiders III!
  8. The Russian group linked to the hacking of Hillary Clinton’s presidential election campaign has been launching fresh attacks in the US, including against two conservative thinktanks, in the run-up to the midterm elections, according to Microsoft.
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