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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. In an effort to redistribute land, the South African government has proposed an amendment to the constitution that sets out the conditions where land can be expropriated without compensation.
  2. Battle for Azeroth sold more than 3.4 million units on August 14th, setting records and making it WoW's fastest-selling expansion.
  3. This is also a very strong reason as to why Cohen wasn't offered a cooperative plea agreement. He's simply not credible.
  4. This month’s Happytime Murders echoes the Muppets creator’s lofty goal of telling mature stories with kid-friendly characters
  5. If Cohen had anything of value to offer the Special Counsel, then the SDNY would've offered a "cooperative plea agreement". Let's not forget that it was the Special Counsel that referred the case to the SDNY after discovering information that was outside the scope of their investigation so the Special Counsel would've already had a pretty damned good idea of Cohen had anything of value for them. Cohen's got nothing.
  6. Buy = $499x (console) + $60/12x (XBL) + $10x (XGP) Rent = $35x (All Access) Buy = $299x (console) + $60/12x (XBL) + $10x (XGP) Rent = $22x (All Access)
  7. This game had an interesting hook for its single-player campaign: A sandstorm engulfs the village and fighting erupts. By chance, a hole is blown into the wall and the girls escape. In the confusion of the storm, our protagonist is separated from her sister and friends. She is alone, wandering in the desert. Present day. Our protagonist has enlisted with a rebel faction, fighting against the radical insurgents. They push through battered villages, hitting the insurgents hard. One day, a key piece of information is discovered and our protagonist's world is not what it seems. She breaks free from the security of the main group to embark upon a personal quest. Accompanying her is another female fighter, her best friend who was held captive with her years earlier. Along for the journey are two foreign vigilantes: an American combat veteran of the war in the Middle East, and a French citizen who has never seen combat. Once they announced that the single-player campaign was cancelled, my interest in the game went to zero.
  8. There is no limit, and furthermore, a "blanket" pardon could be issued that would negate the second trial and the retrial on the 10 hung charges.
  9. His Holocaust survivor father "Jewish guilt-ed" him into it? "I didn't survive Treblinka only for you to disgrace yourself with that goy putz!" Yeeeeeaaaahhhh - I'm gonna take that with a grain of salt.
  10. Oh, by all means, pardon him! Please do so that we can have even further evidence of what short-sighted fools the "Founding Fathers" well and truly were
  11. Devil May Cry 5: disposable exploding robot arms and frustrating camera controls (PC Gamer)
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