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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. Australia has now had five prime ministers in just over five years. Since 2010, four prime ministers have lost office, not at the ballot box, but torn down by their own parties, earning Canberra the unhappy appellation “the coup capital of the Pacific”.
  2. I've come to the conclusion that The Gap/Banana Republic is the go-to place for men's clothes in the Star Wars universe.
  3. Personally, I would also be fine with removing the truly and completely unrehabilitative from existence. Unlike the current death penalty, this would not be a futile exercise in "justice" or "deterrence", but rather based on pure utilitarianism. Come at me, liberals!
  4. Well, I kinda meant your choice of pronoun identification, but glad to hear you're doing better!
  5. I dare anyone in a blind taste test to be able to tell the difference between supposedly "bad" pizza and "good" pizza.
  6. I can completely understand these sentiments as they are only human and natural. I would not expect them to feel otherwise. However, the criminal justice system does not exist to mollify the victims of a crime - it exists to maintain the social order of the state/society. This is why criminal cases involve "The People vs..." and not the direct victims of a crime. In essence, the crime is committed against the entirety of society and the punishment of that crime should reflect the larger interests of society.
  7. Yes, you were @TheCupsHalfEmpty From what you said, I'd say something has changed?
  8. Even violent offenders can be rehabilitated and the possibility of parole should be based on that determination. However, there are violent offenders who simply are beyond rehabilitation and they should not be paroled.
  9. @Bacon @Remarkableriots There is a world of difference between non-rehabitable violent offenders and 95% of the incarcerated population. The miserable American prison system with its limited opportunities for rehabilitation and larger societal issues also effectively increases the probability that a non-violent offender may become a repeat offender or a violent one.
  10. "But of course ah have control of this here Department of Justice. How else do you think these here minorities are currently being oppressed? They sure as heck ain't oppressing themselves!"
  11. Close enough. "Playable start to finish" probably means: (a) the game won't cause the console to brick or format the HDD/SSD when you hit the .exe file (b) you could theoretically complete the game after crashing approximately 8,436 times along the way (c) it really, REALLY looks and plays like shit
  12. Just for reference, Cory Barlog said that God of War was "playable from start to finish" in December 2016 and it was released in April 2018.
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