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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. Long story short: she was suffering from severe depression due to things that I'd rather not go into so I offered her my spare bedroom as a place to stay while she "got better". That was over three years ago
  2. As a final insult to McCain and Flake, the Imbecile has decided to return Arizona to Mexico.
  3. Lawyer pulls back from claims about information Cohen has on Trump’s knowledge of Russian efforts OLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL
  4. Myanmar’s military has been accused of genocide against the Rohingya in Rakhine state in a damning UN report that alleged the army was responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity against minorities across the country. And the spineless Nobel committee still won't strip Aung San Suu Kyi of her Nobel Peace Prize.
  5. A former Vatican ambassador to the United States has alleged in an 11-page letter that Pope Benedict XVI and Pope Francis — among other top Catholic Church officials — had been aware of sexual misconduct allegations against a top American cardinal years before that prelate resigned this summer. The letter from Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò, who was recalled from his D.C. post in 2016 amid allegations that he’d become embroiled in the conservative American fight against same-sex marriage, was first reported by the National Catholic Register and LifeSite News, two conservative Catholic sites. The letter offered no proof and Viganò on Sunday told the Post he wouldn’t comment further. Link to the letter
  6. McCain could have stepped down several months ago which would have resulted in a special election to fill the seat until 2020. But being the true egotist that he was until the very end, he didn't.
  7. And how could I forget his pushing for a military confrontation with Russia over Georgia (a situation that was precipitated by GEORGIAN actions) and Crimea/Ukraine. That was nothing short of moral insanity and should have disqualified him from ever being taken seriously about anything ever again.
  8. I'm not going to dance on the man's grave, but my ambivalence means I don't have any real sense of loss either. For me, it comes down to his willingness to apply military force to just about every foreign policy situation that bordered on the pathological. Even after the disaster that was Iraq -- for the thousands of dead and injured Americans and the tens (if not hundreds) of thousands dead and injured Iraqis -- he still advocated military involvement in Iran, in Libya, and in Syria. And for what? When I think of McCain the words that come to mind are "wasted opportunity" at the very best and "enabler" of the very worst aspects of American foreign policy at the very least.
  9. In a blistering speech focusing on the failings of the church, delivered in the presence of Pope Francis, Leo Varadkar, the taoiseach, said a new covenant for the 21st century was needed that reflected the modern country Ireland had become and learned from “our shared mistakes”.
  10. Procter & Gamble has applied to trademark acronyms that are common in text speak. If successful, terms including "LOL" (Laugh Out Loud), "NBD" (No Big Deal) and even WTF (too rude to spell out here) could be used to market products.
  11. If you recall, my female Russian roommate went on a ludicrous fast a few months ago where she dry fasted for 3 days, followed by a 10 day wet fast? Well, she's done it again, but this time there's a twist! She's so very into this now entire fasting thing that she's decided to start a YouTube channel about it. Whenever she posts a video, I'll be sure to link it here
  12. Greece's bailout is finally at an end – but has been a failure Greece has been a colossal failure. It is a tale of incompetence, of dogma, of needless delay and of the interests of banks being put before the needs of people. And there will be long-term consequences. Greece may still be Europe’s sick patient, but the EU is at death’s door What is less certain, however, is whether the EU has learned anything from the past eight years. A year ago, the European commissioner for economic affairs, Pierre Moscovici, admitted that the decisions made behind closed doors regarding the Greek bailout were a scandal of democratic process.
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