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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. SCUM: the survival game with the most realistic simulation of the human metabolic system ever made, the end result of which is a fairly regular requirement that your avatar urinate and empty his bowels I read on ResetERA that someone's character died from a heart attack after eating too much high sodium meat. And that UI:
  2. It does have some interesting ideas derived from the STALKER franchise involving the environmental elements, but that's probably about it.
  3. Episode 4: Alone, Together What happened between Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky? Why did it happen? And what are we supposed to do about the fact that the whims and impulses of individual men can—and constantly do—alter the course of history?
  4. About 10 years ago, Electronic Arts developed and then canceled a game about Jack the Ripper. This is its story.
  5. The bill moderately alleviates some of the most egregious legal punishments that are largely inflicted on minorities.
  6. The president, who has spent a year and a half fulminating against his attorney general in public, finally got traction on Capitol Hill thanks to the growing frustration of a handful of GOP senators with their former colleague – most importantly, Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley and South Carolina’s Lindsey Graham, who have been irritated by Sessions’ opposition to a criminal justice reform bill they support There are some details of that bill in this article. Personally, I'm totally cool with tossing the Grand KKKeebler Elf to get these reforms into law.
  7. EA's stock price is down about 7% in pre-market trading.
  8. Diez represents dozens of U.S. citizens who were denied their passports or had their passports suddenly revoked. Among them are soldiers and Border Patrol agents. Oh, the irony!
  9. STOP THE PRESSES! I just discovered that this ludicrous geographic proximity of Metropolis and Gotham has been effectively canon for a couple of decades.
  10. From my perspective, the reverse argument makes more sense: cover the adults who have the opportunity to more immediately benefit society.
  11. The leading candidate for the replacement is Emmet Flood who advised Clinton during the impeachment hearings.
  12. Oh boy - there is no doubt in my mind where this will be rabidly seized upon with joyful glee.
  13. Despite the U.S. economy being near full employment, 39.4 percent of adults between 18 and 64 years old said they experienced at least one type of material hardship in 2017, according to the study, which surveyed more than 7,500 adults about whether they had trouble paying for housing, utilities, food or health care.
  14. But there is growing evidence that Senate Republicans, who have long cautioned Trump against firing Sessions, are now resigned to the prospect that he may do so after the November midterm elections — a sign that one of the last remaining walls of opposition to such a move is crumbling. Poor Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III - all he wanted to do was strip minorities of their voting rights.
  15. And Amazon killed the Prime discount for those about a year or so ago.
  16. Having Metropolis and Gotham practically staring at each other across a body of water totally messed up my DC universe head canon. In my head canon, I associated Superman and Batman as being the "guardians" of their respective cities (yes, I know Superman technically is Earth's guardian, but whatever) and that each hero "respected" the other's territory unless the need was absolutely dire. With this new canon, why on Earth would anyone in Gotham look to Batman to be their guardian when the practically omniscient Superman is literally just across a freakin' bay?!? Superman could easily act as the guardian of BOTH Metropolis and Gotham which makes Batman pretty superfluous. Yes, I've given way, WAY too much thought to this (probably at least an hour), but Snyder totally obliterated my well-considered intellectual framework.
  17. And somehow real-world cities also exist in the DC universe.
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