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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. I eat very little meat to begin with so the day the "artificial" stuff becomes more affordable/widely available, I'll be all about that.
  2. What now? When a game is released, we may publish impressions of the early hours. We might highlight a small but unexpected detail. Maybe we’ll provide a guide to help you navigate the opaque opening moments. It’s likely we’ll publish something very similar to the classic review every now and then. For the games our audience cares about most, expect a hodgepodge of all these things and other ideas, too.
  3. Or maybe...just maybe...they have other more relevant priorities in their lives than knowing the minutiae of utterly disposable, sugar-coated, pop culture fluff like the MCU.
  4. More than 42,000 pages of documents were released late Monday night on a "committee confidential" basis, preventing their public release and likely stopping Democrats from citing them during the hearing.
  5. From what I've heard, the talks are at an impasse because of Wesley's demand that he is paid in an untraceable cryptocurrency to be deposited into a virtual account in an undisclosed Caribbean tax haven.
  7. 90% of the museum's items may have been destroyed and the remaining structure is at high risk of collapse.
  8. Furthermore, all members of the judicial branch should be prohibited from engaging in the political process for the entirety of their tenure on the bench. That means no speeches, no lectures, no political contributions, and no voting.
  9. The political apparatus of the state -- both executive and legislative -- should have no business in the selection of members of the judicial branch at any level. All selections should be made through a mechanism within judicial branch itself. Once again, the short-sightedness of the degenerate imbeciles known as the "Founding Fathers" continues to raise its cancerous head.
  10. I don't suppose that it's a coincidence that he has the PRACTICALLY IDENTICAL name as a prime minister of Rhodesia. Smith, who has been described as personifying white Rhodesia, remains a highly controversial figure—supporters venerate him as a man of integrity and vision "who understood the uncomfortable truths of Africa", while critics describe an unrepentant racist whose policies and actions caused the deaths of thousands and contributed to Zimbabwe's later crises.
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