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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. That right there is what I mean: Battlefield V simply lacks the atmospherics as BF1. And it SORELY misses them.
  2. I received assurance from a priest that I would not be consuming "Jew food".
  3. Everyone who called that it was being pulled to make way for a remaster should get a prize!
  4. <----- Squad Leader of MVP squad twice in a row tonight. I guess that's a wrap because the open beta ends tomorrow at 10am my time
  5. It's not so much calling their bluff as wanting this to set a legal precedent once and for all.
  6. EA actually does have an objective in taking this to court. They're looking for a definitive legal ruling that removes the uncertainty as to what is permissible under Belgian/Dutch/EU law. With this information, they can then design the lootboxes in such a way to be legally compliant with the law. It's a relatively insignificant cost for them to get the legal uncertainty removed and therefore have a perfectly compliant revenue stream.
  7. It seems EA has decided not to comply with Belgian law regarding the sale of loot boxes in the country, and officials there are taking the company to court. A series of other major titles from Overwatch to Counter-Strike: Global Offensive have restricted loot box purchases for players in Belgium, and EA is the last major player named by regulators yet to comply.
  8. This is largely because: (a) American society elevates police work to near-mythical status (nearly on par with that of "the troops") and deems them worthy of heroism, especially since a whole bunch of them had a couple of buildings fall down on them about 17 years ago. (b) Police departments largely cultivate an atmosphere of "us against them" or that it's a "brotherhood" that should stick together no matter what because...reasons. Just look at how badly Internal Affairs investigators are perceived in police departments or how cops who act as whistle-blowers (like Serpico) are regarded. Better a "dirty cop" than a "rat" (sounds familiar?).
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