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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. In a statement to Kotaku, a company rep noted that “as a result of reviewing titles in development at Capcom Vancouver, Capcom has decided to cancel the development projects at this studio and will concentrate development of major titles in Japan.”
  2. Following the release of Monster Hunter: World on PC last month, Capcom has stated that Steam sales have "exceeded the company’s expectations" in its full-year business forecast.
  3. Thronebreaker is a single player role-playing game set in the world of The Witcher that combines narrative-driven exploration with unique puzzles and card battle mechanics. The game spins a truly regal tale of Meve, a war-veteran queen of two Northern Realms — Lyria and Rivia. Facing an imminent Nilfgaardian invasion, Meve is forced to once again enter the warpath, and set out on a dark journey of destruction and revenge.
  4. I really do think they won't go for it right off the bat and let her get comfortable before bringing that one out.
  5. Let's start throwing out guesses as to which senator will be the first to inquire about Ms. Ford's sexual history prior to the incident.
  6. Right - now that I've seen the dogs in question, those are definitely hunting dogs.
  7. Why on earth do they have 6 dogs to begin with? They certainly don't appear to be in the breeding business.
  8. There are few things more degenerate in this universe than rich, white private school students.
  9. Is the accused a well-off white man or a poor black man? That kinda makes a significant difference to the outcome in this society. And your motion is denied.
  10. As far as "distractions" go, this is one lame-ass attempt. Practically phoned (tweeted?) in.
  11. If he gets through after this, Clarence Thomas is gonna be pissed. "What the hell, man? I didn't try to rape anyone! All I did was make some off-color jokes!"
  12. Episode 5: Tell-All Aside from Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, the most pivotal player in the Clinton-impeachment saga may have been Linda Tripp—an ordinary person who made extraordinary choices that precipitated the entire crisis. I really didn't grasp the unintentionally pivotal role that Currie played in all of this until now. All she had to do to essentially stop all of this was to not put Monica's phone calls through to Bill.
  13. What I wouldn't give to see both of those men physically tear each other to pieces.
  14. Hey @Bloodporne - I found a book for you that combines your two favorite things: punk and East Germany Burning Down the Haus: Punk Rock, Revolution, and the Fall of the Berlin Wall
  15. Please don't make Age of Empires IV a Windows Store exclusive at launch, Microsoft!
  16. I once scoffed at the notion that he had reason to be afraid of Russian retaliation here in the US, but with that phrasing, I'm not so sure anymore.
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