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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. In that sense you are correct. It's a prequel in the sense that we were already introducd to Clark in Clear & Present Danger and The Sum of All Fears.
  2. Without Remorse (the novel) is set during the Vietnam War. It's the "origin story" of John Kelly/John Clark.
  3. I'm not so much concerned about learning what the game is about as much as I'd like to know how I interact with the world.
  4. It started to rain heavily while the police were there so scent would probably have been washed away. And Inuk isn't exactly a bloodhound when it comes to scents.
  5. To hell with that! I would've told her to crawl into HER bathroom while Inuk and I went into mine.
  6. Bethesda helps 12-year-old boy with rare cancer fulfill his wish of playing Fallout 76 Just days after doctors told Wes' family they thought it best to stop his treatment, he realised he probably wouldn't get to play Fallout 76, due out in November. In a Facebook post, Wes' parents revealed Matt Grandstaff, assistant director at Bethesda, drove four hours from the company's headquarters in Maryland to the family home with not just a copy of the game, but a prototype of the Power Armor helmet due to come with the Power Armor Edition of the game, signed by Bethesda Game Studios chief Todd Howard. Nintendo fulfills wish of terminal cancer patient to play Smash Bros. Ultimate After gaining support from the community and catching the company’s attention, Nintendo followed through by allowing Chris to play Super Smash Bros. Ultimate ahead of release. Chris says two representatives stopped by his house early today and was given an opportunity to play the E3 demo
  7. Are you kidding me? I was FUCKIN' PUMPED! That was the most fun I've had in ages!
  8. Alexandria police have no suspects in custody. It seems to me that it could have been a drive-by. So was it a targeted drive-by or a random one?
  9. What if the shooter wasn't the bad guy? What if the guy he shot was someone that I would've shot?
  10. For my evening's entertainment, there was a shooting at an intersection near my building. I counted about 8 rounds in total, but the victim has non-life threatening injuries according to the Alexandria Police Department. From the first shot, I knew what the hell it was so I dropped to the floor and grabbed Inuk beside me and we crawled into the bathroom until I the emergency sirens started arriving. I'll post more about the incident as I learn about it.
  11. She's in a bad position, but Corbyn has fumbled the issue of Jewish anti-Semitism within Labour in the last few months so he's in a weakened position now too.
  12. So not based on the early 80s film starring Sylvester Stallone, Billy Dee Williams, and Rutger Hauer?
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