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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. If you really enjoyed the book, then I suggest reading his follow-up The Gene: An Intimate History
  2. Steam Blog: Three years later, the Steam Input experiment is starting to bear interesting results. By supporting so many controller types we've learned about which controllers are being used on the platform and by accommodating customization we've learned how players prefer to interact with different genres. Today we'll share figures on which controllers have been connected to Steam, how controllers are being used, and what happens when a new controller is released on the platform. We'll also discuss the Steam Controller and how hardware choices set it apart from other controller types.
  3. The Army has failed to meet its yearly recruiting goal of 76,500 new recruits, only bringing in 70,000. That’s an 8.5% fall and is the first time the Army haven’t reached its target in thirteen years.
  4. Nvidia reiterated that the GeForce RTX 2070 will start at $499 for models based on its reference design, and $599 for the Founders Edition.
  5. It's a promotion that runs through September 29, but if you pre-order a game, you will receive a 30% discount on a currently-released title.
  6. And then he ends it with... “There is the heart of a patriot that feels the same powerful love for your nation. The same intense loyalty to your homeland. The passion that burns in the hearts of patriots and the souls of nations has inspired reform and revolution.” “To unleash this incredible potential in our people, we must defend the foundations that make it possible.” “We must protect our sovereignty and our cherished independence above all. When we do, we will find new avenues for cooperation unfolding before us. We will find new passion for peacemaking rising within us. We will find new purpose, new resolve.” “Let us come here to this place, to stand for our people and their nations. Forever strong, forever sovereign, forever just and forever grateful for the grace and goodness of God.” “God bless the nations of the world.”
  7. I am utterly convinced that the design research for that...whatever it is...involved visiting the offices of multiple child psychologists and asking to see the drawings made by their most emotionally-disturbed patients. It's the only reasonable explanation I can come up with for THAT.
  8. I am of the opinion that judges should essentially be "legal monks/nuns": - unmarried, no children - locked away in courthouses doing nothing but studying, considering, and discussing the law every day when they are not presiding a case - never be seen or heard from in public, and the only words you will ever read from them are their legal decisions In essence, their entire existence would be devoted to the law in the same way that the existence of a monk or nun is devoted to God.
  9. PC gaming hardware prices rising today as Trump’s tariffs come into effect.. and it’s going to get worse However... Though according to WCCFTech, and its AIB sources, the price hike for most of Nvidia’s big partners, such as Gigabyte, will only be temporary. A recent report suggests that by moving manufacturing wholesale into Taiwan companies will be able to switch back to their original pricing model once that happens. In the case of the RTX cards that means going from utterly extortionate to only mildy prohibitive.
  10. Netflix still intends to produce Stranger Things game despite Telltale collapse (Polygon) “We are saddened by news about Telltale Games,” Netflix said in a statement. “They developed many great games in the past and left an indelible mark in the industry. Minecraft: Story Mode is still moving forward as planned. We are in the process of evaluating other options for bringing the Stranger Things universe to life in an interactive medium.” And right on cue, Devolver Digital offers its services:
  11. You mean "boom" for the Russia investigation as that is exactly what's going to happen to it. The Mueller team is probably just doing some edit checks in preparation for hitting the "send" button when their services are no longer needed by the DoJ.
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