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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. Let's face it, these are the only Indians he cares about: And they practically threw him and his family out of the country.
  2. A Canadian member of parliament has said that Justin Trudeau “doesn’t give a fuck” about the rights of indigenous people, amid mounting tensions between the country’s First Nations and at the federal government.
  3. “We looked down on the public school kids. We looked down on pot smokers. That wasn’t socially acceptable in my crowd. We grew up in a culture of privilege. We all came from great, comfortable homes and almost everyone I hung around with was white. The right pedigree meant we got away with it. The cops chased us from one place to another – but they didn’t arrest us. They knew our parents – the judges and lawyers and high paid professionals in the county. It was a small club in a large county and we were at the top of the pyramid. Brett Kavanaugh was part of that crowd. I was. All of my friends were. But the question I ask myself today is, in light of everything that goes on do we want someone sitting in judgment of everyone else who has never had to face the consequences everyone else faces?” Gee, does this level of self-awakening extend to those "public school kids" or those "pot smokers" of today (aka, non-white people)? Or is it only reserved for privileged white girls?
  4. Civilian deaths in Yemen have surged dramatically since June after the Saudi-led coalition began an offensive to take the key port city of Hodeidah from Houthi rebels. On Wednesday, California Democrat Ro Khanna introduced a resolution invoking the 1973 War Powers Act, declaring that Congress never authorized U.S. support for the coalition in Yemen and directing President Donald Trump to withdraw U.S. troops from “hostilities” against the Houthis, the Iranian-backed rebel group at war with Saudi Arabia and the UAE.
  5. We are not anti-union, but we are not neutral either,” the video states, drawing a distinction that would likely be largely academic to potential organizers.
  6. The usual suspects of Critical Role and The Adventure Zone are there, of course.
  7. "It's obvious Dems will clean up" "I don't want to jinx it or get cocky" Holy internal contradictions, Batman!
  8. FBI involvement would be part of a background investigation, but they have no jurisdiction over any crimes that may have been committed.
  9. Episode 6: God Mode Some of the most withering criticism of Clinton came from a coalition of conservative activists whose political views were bound up with their faith. The influence of the Christian right within the Republican Party had been growing steadily since the Reagan years. When the Lewinsky story broke, the movement’s leaders pounced on it with righteous vigor.
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