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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. Last month, deep in a 500-page environmental impact statement, the Trump administration made a startling assumption: On its current course, the planet will warm a disastrous 7 degrees by the end of this century.
  2. Flake manages to be infinitely more contemptible than the Imbecile-in-Chief every single time.
  3. Ehhhhhhh - that falls under my personal moral categoriziation of "not entirely true" rather than "false"
  4. I believe that the PS4 space requirements take into account both the file download and the file unpacking, so it's possible that the final installation size will be 52GB.
  5. I've never understood the term "gaslighting" - it simply doesn't make sense to me.
  6. Whoever leaked that letter should be hunted down and tortured to death Kavanaugh, a privileged heterosexual white male, ultimately be fine, no matter the outcome. Dr. Ford will not be.
  7. Oh shit - the SEC suit seeks to remove Musk as CEO and bar him from serving as an officer/director of any other public company.
  8. When have I ever been taken by "liberal fantasies"? Alright, I'll concede that it was an audience of "two". However, I really do believe that nothing that occurred here today will effect the votes of Murkowski and Collins - their votes will ultimately come down to ideology rather than today's events. Just as they would have 10 days ago. I was under no illusions that a conservative would be getting that seat - I think you know that I'm not naive Based on my observations, the GOP senators didn't completely fall on their faces -- and because Kavanaugh's "righteous anger" does come off as an "innocent man wrongly accused" -- that is what I'm basing my evaluations of a GOP "win" on.
  9. Correct. However, I saw nothing today that could possibly sway them one way or another.
  10. And because this probably didn't shift the dial, I'd have to chalk it up as a "win" for the GOP.
  11. We are EXACTLY where we were 10 days ago. I seriously doubt today's ordeal tilted anyone's vote one way or the other.
  12. I'm guessing the committee will vote on Saturday and the full Senate will take it up next week?
  13. $1,500 - Chiefs 1) Denver FG 2) Chiefs 3) Carr 4) 37-45 5) Bears, Colts, Browns 6) Rams 7) 6 8) Lamar Miller (Rushing), Emmanuel Sanders (Receiving)
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