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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. Activision announced today that Mike Morhaime, the co-founder and president of Blizzard Entertainment, has stepped down. He will be succeeded in the role by World of Warcraft executive producer J. Allen Brack, but will remain a "strategic advisor" to the company.
  2. "Psssssttt...hey, bub - I gotta Toys R' Us right here. It fell off the back of a truck."
  3. PC Invasion - 90% Assassin's Creed Odyssey puts the franchise back on the map as a critical darling. There's no malaka here whatsoever as it just "Greeks" of goodness. The story and characters are engaging and there are tons of activities to do. Greek culture and locations are a wonder to behold. Barring a few caveats, this has been a stellar offering for the franchise.
  4. The Canadian stores were acquired by Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd for $300 million.
  5. I honestly have no idea what @Keyser_Soze is talking about
  6. “The theme I see here through all of this is valuations: They play around with valuations in extreme ways,” said Lee-Ford Tritt, a University of Florida law professor and a leading expert in gift and estate tax law. “There are dramatic fluctuations depending on their purpose.” I couldn't agree more! When I was working closely with estate and trust taxes during my public accounting career, this was the area where we walked the line between "aggressive" and "possibly illegal". And the University of Florida's tax law program is perhaps the best in the country, right @SaysWho? and @ByWatterson?
  7. Assassin's Creed Odyssey's Exploration mode kills quest markers, and it's about damn time (PC Gamer) I honestly wasn't expecting much from Odyssey, thinking it would just be Origins in a new setting. But I've been surprised to discover a gorgeous, vibrant, sweeping RPG that recalls the best of The Witcher 3, with a little Mass Effect thrown in for good measure. I think it might even be the best Assassin’s Creed, but I'm saving wild statements like that until I'm more than 15 hours in. The quests are great, the world is stunning, and the freedom of the naval exploration is exhilarating. But it's Exploration mode that's really made me fall in love with this thing—and reignited my passion for open world games in general. Because it's reminded me of how joyful exploration can be when you aren't switching your brain off and following yet another flashing quest marker.
  8. If the English translation of the demand letter is even remotely accurate, then it reads like an incredibly cliche extortion letter: Even so, as is true in every case, and particularly true in this instance, considering the specific relationship between you and Mr. Andrzej Sapkowski, the Author’s nature and character, and also your own standing and business interests, we are prepared to settle the matter in an amicable – and more importantly – expeditious and quiet manner.
  9. Dirt Rally 2.0 almost killed me but Phil Mills calmed me down (PCGamesN) Hands-on with the sequel to Dirt Rally, the most hardcore racing sim in recent memory
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