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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. The choice was this or die. Obsidian has been keeping the lights on with contract work - that's simply unsustainable.
  2. Someone in my office made this joke earlier this morning. I just reported this to him and now he's laughing hysterically.
  3. Just a reminder, it was Stormlands, a cancelled Xbox One project for Microsoft, that nearly drove Obsidian into oblivion in March 2012.
  4. Security camera footage was removed from the Saudi consulate in Istanbul and Turkish staff were abruptly told to take a holiday on the day the dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi disappeared while inside the building, authorities have claimed.
  5. One person with knowledge of the deal told Kotaku they’d heard it was “90%” finished. Said a second person: “It’s a matter of when, not if.” There is little doubt in my mind that Obsidian is DOA without this deal.
  6. They really do have a word (usually a long, utterly unpronounceable one) for everything, don't they?
  7. While it's certainly a leftist ethical position, it's also a very right-leaning "realist" position when it comes to areas of foreign policy because it pretty much casts aside the notion of "universal" values.
  8. From that perspective, I'll gladly concede that such evaluations are not "utterly pointless" and can be rather "useful". But that's not the same as being "correct" or "better".
  9. I thoroughly and completely disagree. The society from which that metric is derived is inextricably linked to that metric itself. The entire dialectic of those societies' history and development culminates to that point of evaluation with any deviation changing the calculus in any direction thereby rendering evaluation at best deeply flawed and at worst utterly pointless. Because that all existence itself is subjective in one form or another due to the inherent nature of being human, the best we can do is to evaluate those entities are are "similar enough" against our own criteria.
  10. So the bottomline is that notions of "cultural superiority" largely boil down to self-defined metrics whereby an individual puts more weight on certain factors than others to arrive at what they consider to be their "optimal" cultural/societal/operating environment, thereby resulting in a relativistic approach which largely precludes any "objective" notions of the superiority of one cultural/societal/operating environment over another. I have achieved victory in this discussion.
  11. But why wouldn't you want our society to be more like that of China if the "metrics" -- however they are defined -- indicate that it is indeed the "superior" one?
  12. That is because you've been indoctrinated by Western liberalism to internalize those values as being superior, even if the "metrics" don't necessarily indicate a basis for such an assumption
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