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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. The deficit jumped to $779 billion, $113 billion or 17 percent higher than the previous fiscal period, according to a statement from Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin and Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney. It was larger than any year since 2012, when it topped $1 trillion. The budget shortfall rose to 3.9 percent of U.S. gross domestic product.
  2. I'm guessing we might have to cut it down in size a bit
  3. Hopefully this means that the Loudmouthed Guido #Resistance Grifter Attorney can crawl back into whatever hole he emerged from and never be heard from again.
  4. Sure thing - I'll see if I can get to it tonight.
  5. This really does seem like an "own goal" for her by even deciding to play the game to begin with.
  6. The Rifle From The Mandalorian Is a Blast From Star Wars' Silliest Past
  7. There is no way @Xbob42 liked Hellblade (if he played it).
  8. The persons being interviewed are Houser brothers who are multimillionaires several times over even before this game is released. Ask some low-level graphics artist who is doing this for a wage barely enough to make ends meet in San Diego or whatever high-cost city this is being developed in if he or she feels the same way. The actual working environment of labor should largely be irrelevant as to our sentiments of whether that labor is being needlessly exploited.
  9. Unionize! How much rework, errors, and other inefficiencies leading to increased costs of production that could otherwise have been avoided can be traced to staff exhaustion? I'd imagine a not insignificant amount.
  10. Call of Duty: Black Ops 4 Biggest Digital Day One Sales in Activision History It did deliver a new franchise high of which PC digital sales more than doubled year on year. Yeah, CoD is never appearing on Steam again
  11. Soooo... mainstream American media, are you going to pay a bit more attention to Saudi Arabia's genocidal war in Yemen now or what? Or is this a one-time thing because they knocked off a reporter?
  12. Prince of Persia and Splinter Cell are "fighting" for Ubisoft development resources.
  13. Tyndall Air Force Base a ‘Complete Loss’ Amid Questions About Stealth Fighters Tyndall is home to 55 F-22 stealth fighters, which cost a dizzying $339 million each. Before the storm, the Air Force sent at least 33 of the fighters to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio. Air Force officials have not disclosed the whereabouts of the remaining 22 planes, other than to say that a number of aircraft were left at the base because of maintenance or safety reasons.
  14. There’s a new retro-style FPS out next week that harks back to the simpler era of the ’90s, with one interesting point – it’s from a developer who barely even saw the ’90s.
  15. I thoroughly agree! A way to disincentivize rebuilding could be to reduce the payout with each claim - 1st claim: 100%, 2nd claim: 60%, 3rd claim: 20%, etc.
  16. - Resolution: Dynamic scaling. Native 4K with drops to 2880x2160p (75% of 4K) - Textures are often quite low resolution - Past certain distance shadows start rendering at 15 FPS - Performance: Well under 30 FPS often, can drop to single digits in locations as well. Yep, this is Bethesda Games Studios title alright!
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