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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. What we have to make of it is that Sarah Silverman has really, REALLY questionable taste.
  2. I just hope you jabronie marks aren't getting yourselves worked into a shoot.
  3. Flippant answer: the reason she was sacked was beacuse EA couldn't answer that question Real answer: she was the head of EA-Motive Studios in Montreal.
  4. Bethesda says the bugs are gonna be "spectacular":
  5. This is correct. The influence of the socially conservative African-American churches very much defines this issue as it did for African American support of same-sex marriage.
  6. I'm going to call bullshit on this one. That journalist is in Kabul and says that the photographs were delivered to a colleague at the International Centre for the Protection and Freedom of Journalists.
  7. Normally corporate statements about people leaving companies -- even involuntarily -- have some positive spin attached to them. This one is essentially: We demoted her, she was "asked to resign"/was fired, and we hope the door didn't hit her on the way out, but if it did, oh well! You rarely (if ever) see departure statements with the tone of this one.
  8. She was "asked to resign"/fired. That's not a voluntary departure at all from the way EA worded its statement.
  9. The counterparties in the NAFTA negotiations were interested in coming to an agreement. Moscow really has no such incentive or desire because they really do want to produce this class of missiles.
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