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Commissar SFLUFAN

Exalted General Secretary
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Everything posted by Commissar SFLUFAN

  1. Turks and Saudis have been enemies for centuries. Now the Khashoggi investigation has rekindled their fierce rivalry—and may upend the politics of the Middle East Two centuries ago, in the fall of 1818, the Saudi monarch was brought to Istanbul in chains. He was displayed in a cage to the cheering crowds outside the Hagia Sophia mosque, and then, amid celebratory fireworks, his head was chopped off. After the deposed Saudi monarch was beheaded outside the Hagia Sophia, his body was propped up in public for three days with his severed head under his arm. (As for the Wahhabi imam, he was sent to Istanbul’s bazaar for beheading, the diplomat reported.)
  2. I do hope that at least some of the right-wing American Jews who have made common cause with the Republican Party and other elements of the far right because Democrats are "insufficiently supportive" of Israel (OLOLOLOLOL) are having a crisis of conscience tonight.
  3. "Globalists" can be used as an anti-Semitic dog whistle. The implication is that "globalists" are people who don't belong to any particular country and are "citizens of nowhere". This rhetoric of "rootless cosmopolitanism" has been used by both Hitler and Stalin for anti-Semitic purposes. Also, George Soros is a Jew and Holocaust survivor who is active in international finance, it doesn't take a leap of knowledge to link the derisive chanting of his name to anti-Semitism.
  4. A total of seven eSports and traditional sport businesses and investment firms have spent $1.25 billion in securing shares of Epic Games, the WSJ reports. The new investors, KKR, Iconiq Capital, Smash Ventures, aXiomatic, Vulcan Capital, Kleiner Perkins and Lightspeed Venture partners, join Disney, Endeavor and Tencent as major backers.
  5. It's a good thing American white ethnonationalists are totally cool with Israel and its soft genocide against the Palestinians otherwise they might actually be considered to be anti-Jewish!
  6. For the context of John 8:44 The description of Satan as the "father of lies" comes from a passage in the gospel of John. Jesus was addressing a group of religious leaders in Israel, who were accusing him of being from Satan. He responded by telling them that they were liars, and that proved that they, not He, were of the Devil. Jesus said: "When he (Satan) lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44c). He also told the group of accusers that they were the children of the Devil because they were spreading lies about Him and refusing to see the truth. So, Satan is not only the father of lies, but of those who suppress the truth.
  7. The scripted true crime spoof has been canceled after two seasons at the streaming giant. Sources say producers CBS TV Studios have received multiple calls to revive the series for a third season elsewhere, as producers had already been plotting what season three of the anthology would be.
  8. Man, the Irish are really sticking it to the Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church lately, aren't they?
  9. Return of the Obra Dinn's Mysteries Are So Deep That You Need an Actual Pen and Paper to Solve Them (US Gamer) As a direct result, Return of the Obra Dinn is probably the first game to make me feel like I'm actually solving a mystery. As in me, not the highlighted objects in a triple-A game's detective vision. I'm the one piecing together all the clues, I'm the one having epiphanies. I'm the one solving the fates of everyone who lived for a time upon this mysterious, creepy-ass ship. Return of the Obra Dinn never holds your hand, nor does it let you walk off the plank either. You're just urged to soak in the morbid details of these people, and it's up to you to find out where it all went very, very wrong. The journey is quite an enthralling one, and I definitely have enough ink in my pen and pages in my notebook to help me get to the end.
  10. Rock, Paper, Shotgun - "Bestest Bests" I was trying to find a pithy crime fiction analogy to wrap this up, but what Pope’s done here actually transcends gags a bit. Before playing I’d grown bored of the plodding progress of traditional whodunits, recently switching to locked room mysteries and Japanese crime fiction, where the ingenuity of the crime is celebrated. It’s more like unpicking a magic trick (I’m happy to suggest some to anyone who is willing to listen). There’s no theatrical villainy in Obra Dinn – although vanishing a crew of 60 has that ring to it – and it has reignited my interest in the old ways with its tales of social tension, human tragedies and crimes of passion.
  11. I still feel awkward when people thank me for my service because the first thing that comes to mind is, ‘I didn't really do it for you’
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